Saturday, May 21, 2011

A Flower

flowers are only ever apprectiaed for their outer beauty so they never get the chance to grow as a person
but the growing as a person part is because they are plants and not humans so they cnat grow as a person, only a plant

also flowers attract bees and i really hate bees bees are dicks

an announcement

since i keep thinking of ideas that are the type of comic that do not fit the style of this blog, i have created another blog where such comics will be posted
i will still update for this one
but the new one is funnier

Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Coupon

Pictures: Anti ButtStink (tm) brand powder and its famous "weird and jaundiced ass" logo

i hear there is an underground trafficking for coopins that i can only assume involves prostitution and handling by old ladies and housewives with no lives, one of which i simply cant abide

guess which one

its the housewives 

i cant abide old lady handling and housewives

coopn prostitisuiin is totally cool

Tuesday, May 3, 2011